(L2) Italian Courses

L2: Part 2 of our Early Intermediate Series

Each course is available asynchronously (no virtual face-to-face)

Upcoming synchronous class times TBD. Click here to join our newsletter for updates on L2 courses in the fall!

Science backs theme-based learning. Choose a theme that interests you below!

Your Passport to the World!

By the end of this course, you’ll feel more confident in….

choosing modes of transportation,
navigating the airport,
comparing various travel destinations and activities,
ordering in restaurants and haggling in street markets,
and more (!)

all while exploring various mediums and boosting your own cultural currency!

Click here for asynchronous

Buen Aprovecho!

By the end of this course, you’ll feel more confident in….

talking about different kinds of food, cooking, and flavors,
expressing what you like (and what disgusts you!),
ordering in restaurants,
following a recipe,
and more (!)

all while exploring various mediums and boosting your own cultural currency!

Click here for asynchronous